As explained in the previous paragraphs that Shaligram Shilas are extremely effective in curing Vastu Doshas hence the properties of few different types of Shaligram Shilas is enummerated in the succeeding paragraphs. Gernerally the Shaligram Shilas are placed in the Altar or puja room in the house, however, few Shilas ( after due onsulatation with the Specialist) cac be placed in the kitchen and study room also by making a small Altar or Puja romm in these places. Under no circumstances the Shaligram Vastu be attempted of your own. Since the Shaligrams are the most powerful and positive stones that exist on the Earth, they need to be placed correctly with respect to thier direction and the nature of the Vastu Dosha. It is therefore stongly recommended that a Specialist opinion is andatory for doing Shaligram Vastu in a house, work place, factory, building, land or plot for immense prosperity, extreme protection, success, peace and harmony.

Matsya Shaligram: This is the first incarnation of Vishnu Matsya or the Fish incarnation. In this form Vishnu saved the Saint Vaivaswata. Worshipping this auspicious Shaligram brings immense wealth and worldly comforts . Bestows the worshipper with austerity and philanthropy . The environment of the beholder"s house and workplace becomes pious and all negativity is removed . There is a big "flow of wealth" takes place and devotee can accumulate immense wealth. A peaceful environment prevails in his surroundings. Matsya Shaligrama also provides sixth sense of the worshipper to see the future things happening. Matsya Shaligram is a very powerful Shila and it removes the Vastu Dosha also and brings prosperity and peace in the devotees place. By worshipping this Shila an issueless woman is blessed with a virtuous son. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.

Kurma Shaligram: Kurma is the second form of Lord Krishnas incarnation. At the Churning of the Ocean, Vishnu as Kurma ( the tostoise) offered his back as a pivot on which to rest the Mount Mandara, used as a churning stick by gods and demons during Sagar Manthan. The worshipper of this shaligram gets immense PERSEVERANCE, strong will power, patience, wealth and happiness in his life. He gets support of one and all, in accomplishing his works sucessfully.He is bestowed with all the wordly comforts and usually gets astonishing success in business and service. The Kurma shaligram also works as a shield against all evil forces and gives immense protection to the worshipper. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.

Varaha Shaligram: Varaha or the Boar incarnation of Vishnu is the third incarnation of the Lord Vishnu. He killed the demon Hiranyaksha, recovered the stolen Veda's and released the Earth from the bottom of the ocean. The worshipper of this Shaligram gets immense protection and occult / black magic does not work on him. He is bestowed with good health, knowledge and all his six senses work to perfection . He gets support of nature in all his endeavours . He gets wordly comforts and peaceful environment through out his life. Those who are into speculative business can get immense benefit out of worshipping this shaligrama. Worshipper commands a good respect, name and fame in the society. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.

Narasimha Shaligram: Narasimha is the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu . Narasimha or the Lion incarnation as a creature who was half-lion and half-man, Vishnu killed the demon iranyakashyap, brother of Hiranyaksha, who had gained the boon of immunity from attacks by man, beast or God.This is a very rare shaligram. One who worships Narsimha Shaligram gets immense protection from his enemies. The opponents and the enemies of the worshipper vanishes and are sent to hell.No black magic or any type of occult works on him. He becomes fearless and gets success in all his endeavours. He can take on any challange and emerge out to be a winner. His confidence level goes to a very high mark and is invincible. He enjoys immense wealth , health and remains always attached to the God. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.

Vamana Shaligram: Vamana or the dwarf incarnation is the fifth incarnation of the Lord Vishnu. Vamana killed the demon Bali, who had gained dominion over the Earth and had chased the Gods from the heavens. The worshipper of Vamana gets immense strength to fight against all odds, evils and enemies . His enemies do not get any place in the complete "Triloka" He becomes invincible and take on any challenge which comes in his way and emerge out as a winner.He gains confidence and wisdom and is respected and recognised in his sphere of work. The worshipper of this Shaligrama is very successful in businesses pertaining to Gold, metal, diamonds and precious gems. The worshipper of Vaman gets immense success without being much noticed. Nothing appears impossible to the worshipper to achieve. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.

Parasurama Shaligram: Parasurama is the sixth incarnation of the Lord Vishnu. Prasurama killed the King Kartavirya, who had stolen the Holy cow Kamdhenu, which could fulfill all the desires. Parsurama had determined to eliminate all the Kshatriyas who were sadist and torturing the common man. The worshipper of this Shaligram gets immense courage and a strong will to fight against all odds and he emerge out to be a winner ultimately. This generates lots of confidence to the beholder and he is determined to achieve success in all his endeavors. The worshipper gets all his wishes fulfilled. He gets immense protection and wealth to live a successful and peaceful life. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.

Ram Shaligram: Maryada Purshottam Ram killed the demon Ravana who abducted Sita thereby librated the earth from the miseries. By worshipping Rama Shaligrama the worshipper gets immense wisdom, virtues, courage and success in all his endeavors. The worshipper is able to take very good decisions in business and family life and can bring immense peace and prosperity in his life. The worshipper can improve tremendously the relationship with in the family members and unite them. The beholder earns great respect and power in the society and leads a dignified life. This Shaligram has great use in Vastu, however for correct placement and right direction of Shila a specialist's view and recommendation is extremely important.