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Legend of Kamakhya Devi Temple | Shaligram Shala

Kamakhya Devi Temple is the most famous temple in the world for Tantra. This is one of the most important 65 Shakti peethas of India. Here the Vagina of Sati fell when she jumped in the burning havan kund of the biggest ritual her father Daksh organized where all Devices and Devtas were invited and Shiva was not invited. However Shiva came there on the insistence of his wife Sati the daughter of Daksha. But Shiva was ill-treated and insulted by Daksh. Sati could not tolerate that and she jumped inside the Havan Kund where the yajna or Yagna or fire ritual was already going on. Shiva became mad seeing the burnt body of His wife Sati and He carried the dead body of Sati for days. Vishnu fired a missile ( an Astra) and the body of Sati broke into several pieces and fell at different places in India and wherever whatever body part of Sati fell it became a shakti peeth like Mansa Devi etc.

At Kamakhya there are three yoni lingas of primarily three Dashamahavidyas. One is Matangi Dashamahavidya which is Saraswati, the other ine is Shodashi Tripur Sundari which is Parvati and third one is Kamala Dashamahavidya which is Laxmi. So in the yoni linga form these three mata ji make one swaroop which is called as Kamakhya Devi.. Kamakhya Devi is live and She Mensurate even now in Kalyuga which is called as Kamakhya Sindoor. 1 gm piece of this sindoor comes for Rs. 20000/-. The cloth where red marks of her mensuration blood fall are comes when this blood falls is sold for a lakh of rupees. The one cut piece of 8 inches by 8 inches piece of that cloth goes for that price.

This is a huge and the biggest tantrik place and everyones wishes are fulfilled. This is the only temple where officially Bali of goat or bull is allowed and unofficially all kinds of Bali rituals are performed. Here the Brahmans who do pujas are the biggest tantriks in the world. Here negative and positive tantra is done by evoking the unstable swaroopa of Parvati in the form of Dashamahavidyas and all wishes are fulfilled of the devotee and the again Mataji goes to Her stable form. Here noted politicians, bureaucrats, film stars, industrialists, big corporates get their pujas done.

The donations of this big puja will be 2.01 Lakhs and will be performed by 9 priests for 5 days. The japa will go day and night. I will book a room close to garbh graha where this puja will be done and all offerings will be give to the Kamakhaya Devi ji.

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