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Sacred Adwaitya Giri Govardhan Golden Shweta Crystal Panchatatva Gauranga Chaitanya Nityananda Balaram Gadadhara Krishna Pandita Radharani Shrivas Thakur Narada Adwaitya Acharya shila-RRSPS1003

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Samundaramanthan Shaligram with beautiful impressions of Gauraga Chaitanya Krishna Maha Prabhu (Golden impressions), Nityananda Balarama (Between golden and white impressions, the black impressions are of Nityananda), Gadadharah Pandita Radhan Rani (beautiful white crystal impressions), Adwaitya Acharya (golden round impressions) and Shrivas Prabhu Narada (golden tilak shaped impressions). All these impressions are available on the Shaligram. The third pose of the Shila has 12 white Govind impressions representing (on the backside of the Shaligram) cows, Brajwasi. So overall this shila is representing everything related to Krishna Prabhu. The worshipper of this Shila will get spiritual augumentation and enlightenment and abundance. The worshipper will think only the benefit of the masses and will do austerities and philanthropic activities in the entire life. The devotee himself will lead a kingly life and will command immense power, name, fame, respect and Moksha.
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Color - Golden & Jet Black
Weight - 250gm
Dimension - 5.8cm X 5cm X 4cm

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