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The Significance of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Collector Beads

2 Mukhi: Emotional Balance, Unity & Harmony 
Ruling God: Ardhanareshwara
Ruling Planet: Moon
Mantra: Om Namah & Om Namah Shivaye

Google has chosen Shaligram Shala ( as the worlds first 5 star rated Rudraksha supplying Company
Rudraksha beads, considered sacred in Hinduism and Buddhism, have been revered for their spiritual and healing properties for centuries. Among the various types of Rudraksha beads, the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is unique and holds special significance. Lets delve into the meaning, benefits and significance of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha collector beads....Read More
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2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-04
Size: 22mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 45000/-   556 USD
Rs 90000/-   1112 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-10
Size: 22mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 50000/-   617 USD
Rs 100000/-   1234 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-15
Size: 24mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   926 USD
Rs 150000/-   1852 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-18
Size: 23mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   926 USD
Rs 150000/-   1852 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-19
Size: 22mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 50000/-   617 USD
Rs 100000/-   1234 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-20
Size: 27mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 125000/-   1543 USD
Rs 250000/-   3086 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-22
Size: 27.3mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 125000/-   1543 USD
Rs 250000/-   3086 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-23
Size: 23.4mm
Color: Light Brown
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 125000/-   1543 USD
Rs 250000/-   3086 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Rudraksha-RD-2-C-27
Size: 22.5mm
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 50000/-   617 USD
Rs 100000/-   1234 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Nepali Rudraksha-RD-2-C-31
Size: 22mm
Color: Light Brown
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 51000/-   630 USD
Rs 102000/-   1260 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Nepali Rudraksha-RD-2-C-40
Size: 23.59mm
Color: Light Brown
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 75000/-   926 USD
Rs 150000/-   1852 USD
2 Mukhi Super Collector Nepali Rudraksha-RD-2-C-60
Size: 20mm
Color: Light Brown
Discount Amount 50%:
Rs 100000/-   1235 USD
Rs 200000/-   2470 USD
FAQs on Rudraksha
FAQs on Rudraksha
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Meaning and Appearance of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Collector Beads

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is a bead with two natural clefts or "mukhis" on its surface, making it distinct from other Rudraksha beads that usually have one mukhi. These clefts give it a unique appearance and are believed to represent Lord Ardhanarishvara, a combined form of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, symbolizing unity and harmony.

Significance of 2 Mukhi Collector Rudraksha

Unity and Balance: The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to enhance harmony and balance in relationships, making it ideal for couples or individuals seeking unity in their lives. It promotes a sense of oneness and understanding between dualities.
Emotional Healing: It is said to help in emotional healing by calming the mind and reducing stress, anxiety and depression. The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha encourages inner peace and fosters positive emotions.
Spiritual Growth: Those seeking spiritual growth and deepening their meditation practice may find the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha beneficial. It is believed to enhance focus, concentration and helps in meditation, aiding individuals in their spiritual journey.
Therapeutic Benefits: In Ayurveda and traditional medicine, Rudraksha beads are believed to have therapeutic effects. The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is thought to improve the respiratory system, enhance self-awareness, and promote physical well-being.
Chakra Alignment: This bead is associated with the Swadhisthana Chakra, the sacral chakra, which is linked to creativity, relationships and emotions. Wearing the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is believed to balance and align this chakra.

Collector Beads of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha

Collector beads are Rudraksha beads of exceptional quality and rarity. They are carefully selected based on their size, shape, symmetry, and Mukhi count. Collector beads are often used by serious spiritual practitioners or collectors who seek the highest quality Rudraksha beads for their spiritual practices.

Importance of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Collector Beads

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha collector beads are a unique and special Rudraksha known for promoting unity, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. Its significance and benefits make it a cherished addition to spiritual practices, and its rarity and quality elevate it to the status of collector beads, sought after by enthusiasts and seekers of spiritual enlightenment.

Essence of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Collector Beads

Rudraksha beads, revered in Hinduism and Buddhism, are believed to possess spiritual and healing properties. Among the various types, the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha stands out for its unique attributes and potential benefits. This article delves into the advantages of 2 Mukhi Rudraksha collector beads, shedding light on their significance.

Benefits of 2 Mukhi Collector Rudraksha

1. Harmonizing Duality: The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is known to represent the unity of opposites and harmony. It is believed to balance the dualities within oneself, such as male and female energies, sun and moon energies, or positive and negative emotions. Wearing this bead may assist in achieving a sense of balance and tranquility.

2. Enhanced Relationships: This bead is said to strengthen relationships, especially between spouses or partners. It is believed to promote understanding, mutual respect, and harmony between individuals. The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is often worn to enhance the connection and communication between couples.

3. Emotional Healing: Individuals seeking emotional healing and stability may find solace in the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha. It is believed to help release negative emotions, reduce stress, anxiety and depression and promote a sense of emotional well-being. This bead is thought to bring about emotional healing and inner peace.

4. Spiritual Growth: Devotees often use the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha in meditation practices to enhance spiritual growth. It is believed to open up the Ajna Chakra (the third eye), facilitating deeper meditative experiences and promoting a higher level of consciousness. This bead may aid in connecting with higher spiritual realms.

5. Intellectual Clarity: Wearing the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is thought to enhance intellectual clarity, memory, and concentration. It may aid students, professionals, and individuals engaged in mental work to focus better, make clear decisions, and excel in their respective fields.

6. Health and Well-being: According to believers, the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with physical healing as well. It is said to have a positive impact on ailments related to the eyes, respiratory system, and stress-induced conditions. Wearing this bead is believed to promote overall health and well-being.

Why Wear 2 Mukhi Collector Rudraksha Bead

The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha collector beads hold a special place in spiritual practices due to its potential to harmonize duality, enhance relationships, provide emotional healing, foster spiritual growth, improve intellectual clarity, and contribute to overall well-being. While these benefits are based on traditional beliefs and experiences, individuals are encouraged to explore and understand the significance of this sacred bead for themselves. It is essential to approach spiritual practices with an open mind and a respectful attitude towards the cultural and religious beliefs associated with these sacred beads.

Buy 2 Mukhi Rudraksha Collector Beads from Shaligram Shala

Those who need to improve their relationship with themselves and others can wear this magnificent Rudraksha. It eliminates self-doubt and boosts self-esteem. Because, unlike gemstones, Rudraksha beads have no negative or adverse effects, anyone can wear any combination of them. If you are experiencing any of the benefits listed above, you should definitely wear the 2 Mukhi Rudraksha. We at Shaligram Shala ( offers best quality collector rudraksha beads of two mukhi at low price.