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Rajeev Krishna Rudraksha & Parad Therapy (RRPT)

  Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT118-3 Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT118-4 Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT118-5
Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT118
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Product Options
Rs 43800/- $ 541 USD Option 1: Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads Bead: 8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha, 2 Parad Beads
Bead Size: Rudraksha-approx 24 to 28mm, Parad-approx 7mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads
Rs 38900/- $ 480 USD Option 2: Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Silver Basket With Silver Chain Bead: 8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 24 to 28mm
Design: Made in silver with silver chain for wearing on wrist
Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Silver Basket With Silver Chain
Rs 36000/- $ 444 USD Option 3: Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Silver Basket With Metallic Stretchable Band Bead: 8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 24 to 28mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Silver Basket With Metallic Stretchable Band
Rs 34300/- $ 423 USD Option 4: Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Silver Basket With Elastic Bead: 8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 24 to 28mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Silver Basket With Elastic
Rs 30800/- $ 380 USD Option 5: Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Adjustable Thread Bead: 8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 24 to 28mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet (Nepal) Large Adjustable Thread
Product Description
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Unlocking the Power of the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet

In the realm of spiritual jewelry, the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet stands out as a potent emblem of divine protection and cosmic alignment. Crafted with precision and imbued with the sacred energies of Rudraksha beads and Parad beads, this bracelet serves as a powerful tool against negative forces while fostering inner peace and spiritual growth. When rudraksha beads are combined with Parad, it amplifies the spiritual, healing or meditative properties of the rudraksha beads, potentially increasing their effects manifold (10 to 12 times).

The Significance of Rudraksha Beads

At the heart of the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet lie Rudraksha beads, revered for centuries for their mystical properties. These beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha tree, believed to be the tears of Lord Shiva. Each bead is adorned with natural contours known as "mukhis," which range from one to twenty-one, each carrying its unique blessings.

8 Mukhi Rudraksha: Representing Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, the 8 Mukhi Rudraksha bestows wisdom, success and divine blessings upon the wearer. It is known to dispel negativity and pave the way for new beginnings.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha: Symbolizing Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, the 10 Mukhi Rudraksha enhances mental clarity, intuition and spiritual evolution. It offers protection from malevolent forces and promotes harmony and balance in life.

12 Mukhi Rudraksha: Associated with Lord Surya, the Sun God, the 12 Mukhi Rudraksha radiates warmth, vitality and courage. It ignites the inner fire and facilitates personal growth, success and abundance in all endeavors.

Harnessing the Power of Parad Beads

Complementing the divine energy of Rudraksha beads are Parad beads, crafted from purified mercury, revered as the essence of immortality and spiritual purity. Parad beads amplify the vibrational resonance of the bracelet, acting as conduits for divine energy to flow freely, cleansing and aligning the wearers aura.

What is Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet

When combined in the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet, the sacred rudraksha beads & Parad beads create a harmonious fusion of divine energies, offering holistic protection and empowerment to the wearer. Whether facing challenges on the physical, mental or spiritual planes, this bracelet serves as a steadfast ally, guiding and guarding its wearer through lifes journey.

Essence of Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet

In a world full of challenges and uncertainties, the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet stands as a beacon of hope and resilience, offering solace and strength to those who seek divine guidance and protection. With its potent blend of Rudraksha and Parad beads, this bracelet serves as a tangible reminder of the eternal bond between humanity and the divine, empowering individuals to navigate lifes journey with grace, courage and unwavering faith.

All About Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet

In a world where stress and negativity seem to surround us at every turn, finding ways to protect our minds and bodies from these harmful energies is crucial. One such method that has gained popularity in recent years is the use of spiritual accessories like the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet, crafted from 8 mukhi, 10 mukhi and 12 mukhi rudraksha beads along with parad beads. This unique combination of sacred materials offers a host of benefits for those who wear it, providing both spiritual protection and holistic wellness.

Benefits of Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet

Spiritual & Healing Benefits: The rudraksha beads used in the bracelet are renowned for their spiritual significance and healing properties. Each type of rudraksha bead is believed to possess its own unique energy and attributes. The 8 mukhi rudraksha is associated with Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and is said to bestow wisdom and success upon the wearer. The 10 mukhi rudraksha represents Lord Vishnu, offering protection, peace and abundance. Meanwhile, the 12 mukhi rudraksha symbolizes Lord Surya, the sun god, imparting vitality, confidence and inner strength.

Blessings and Protection: Parad beads, made from mercury, hold a special place in Hindu mythology and Ayurvedic medicine. They are believed to balance the bodys energy, purify the aura and promote overall well-being. Parad is also associated with Lord Shiva, the supreme deity and wearing Parad beads is said to invoke his blessings and protection.

Embracing Spiritual Transformation: Beyond its protective qualities, the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth and enlightenment. By wearing this sacred adornment with reverence and intention, one invites the blessings of the divine trinity - Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Brahma - into their life, paving the way for profound inner transformation and awakening.

Combined Energies: By combining rudraksha and parad beads in a single bracelet, the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet harnesses the synergistic energies of these sacred materials. This powerful combination creates a potent shield against negative influences, while also enhancing spiritual growth, intuition and inner peace.

Spiritual Protection: Wearing the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet acts as a spiritual shield, deflecting negative energies and psychic attacks. The beads form a protective barrier around the wearer, guarding against harm and promoting a sense of security and empowerment.

Holistic Wellness: In addition to spiritual benefits, wearing this bracelet can contribute to holistic wellness. The beads are believed to have a harmonizing effect on the body, mind and spirit, promoting physical health, mental clarity and emotional balance. Many wearers report feeling more grounded, focused and energized when wearing the bracelet regularly.

Ritual and Devotion: For those on a spiritual path, wearing the Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet can serve as a tangible reminder of their commitment to personal growth and divine connection. The act of putting on the bracelet each day can become a ritual of devotion, helping to cultivate mindfulness and deepen ones spiritual practice.

Importance of Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet

The Harihar Surya Ganesha Protection Bracelet offers a multifaceted approach to spiritual protection and holistic well-being. Through the combined energies of rudraksha and parad beads, wearers can experience enhanced spiritual growth, inner strength and a greater sense of peace and security in their daily lives. Whether worn for religious purposes or as a tool for personal growth, this sacred accessory serves as a powerful reminder of the divine forces that guide and protect us.

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