Kali (the Eternal Night), The first Mahavidya is Kali. Seated on a corpse, with long tongue protruding out, greatly
terrifying, laughing loudly, with fearful fangs, four arms holding a cleaver, a skull, and giving the mudras bestowing boons
and dispelling fear, wearing a garland of skulls, her tongue rolling wildly, completely naked (digambara - clad in the
directions), with just a garland of demon-hands round her waist, with heaped locks of a black cascade of hair. Thus one
should meditate on Kali, dwelling in the centre of the cremation ground. The Eternal Night - Kali is mentioned as the first
amongst the Mahavidyas. Black as the night (ratri) she has a terrible and horrific appearance. The word ratri means "to
give," and is taken to mean "the giver" of bliss, of peace of happiness. Chamunda Ma Kali blesses the worshipper like his son
or daughter. Chamunda Roopa is for extreme protection against occult, Black magic and jealousy.The Kali Shaligram Shila
bestows the devotee with eight supernatural powers. This Maha Vidya represents Krishna as per the Tondla Tantra and rules the
planet Saturn. The Shila protects the devotee from natural clamity also and protects the devotee against sudden accidents and
thefts. Ma Kali fulfills all wishes of the devotee and She very easily become happy on the devotion of the worshipper and
blesses him all worldly happiness, peace of mind and extreme protection. This Shila bestows the devotee with immense
upliftment in the business front due it Her ferocious appearance and nature of eliminating the enemies. As per Skanda Purana
Chamunda Ma Kali is the first Maha Vidya. The Shaligram Shila is one of the rarest Shila amongst all Shaligram Shilas and
blesses the worshipper with very long life and extremely good health. The Shila has beautiful impressions of golden tongue
protruding out from the mouth as depicted in the Shaligram Shila. The power of this Shilas also described in Skanda Puran is
such that the living beings that are in the vicinity of these Shilas upto 123 Km diameter too get the benefits of these
Shilas without even worshipping them. This Shaligram Shila bestows the devotee with very strong intuition and makes all six
senses of the devotee to work with perfection. The worshipper can clearly see the future things happening. This Shila is
exceptionally good for the meditation. This Shila are very cold to touch, full of positive energy and tremendous power,
extremely protective in nature, blesses the devotee with extremely peaceful environment, provides immense worldly comfort and
takes the devotee to spiritual enlightenment and transcendence.
The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.
The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.