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Sacred Adwaitya Golden Shweta Laxmi Vanamala Viraat Maha Vishnu Janardhana Dashavtara Kurma Dev-RRSA001
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Colour: Jet Black & Golden
Dimension : 4.2cm x 3.2cm x 2.7cm
Quantity :

Rs 2175000/- $ 25893 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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The worshipper of this Shaligram gets immense perseverance, strong will power, patience, wealth and happiness in his life. The white impressions signify the presence of Lord in Viraat form that is looking extremely beautiful and blessing the devotee and fulfilling their wishes. He gets support of one and all, in accomplishing his works successfully. He is bestowed with all the worldly comforts and usually gets astonishing success in business and service The Kurma Shaligram also works as a shield against all evil forces and gives immense protection to the worshipper. The Shila is extremely beautiful, medium large sized, radiating with brilliance, immensely auspicious, bestows extreme protection and emitting extremely high energy levels. The Kurma brings immense stability and rock solid standing in the world in the worshippers hand and since Kurma is a water animal would bring immense flow of wealth as well. The Shila is extremely beautiful, medium large sized, radiating with brilliance, immensely auspicious and emitting extremely high energy levels.

Benefits of worshipping Exotic Kurma Shaligram:
- For immense perseverance, strong will power, patience, wealth and happiness
- For accomplishing works successfully
- For protection of worshipper

The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.
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