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ShaligramSacred ShaligramRarest Of Rare Shaligram

Sacred Adwaitya Golden Viraat Maha Vishnu Shweta Sudershan Maha Laxmi-RRSA005
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Colour: Jet Black & Golden
Dimension : 5cm x 4cm x 2cm
Quantity :

Rs 957000/- $ 11393 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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The worship of Mahalaxmi shaligram bestows the devotee with extremely good health and wealth. By worshipping Lakshmi Shaligram a man can tremendously progress in the business and expands it to a very high level very successfully. It provides extreme protection from the enemies. It is extremely good for the people doing business, service and transacting huge amount of money as it protects like a shield from any loss. The beholder gets all the worldly comforts and leads a successful life. The worshipper becomes very confidant and can take on any challenge and emerges out to be an ultimate winner. This Shila is very exotic, powerful, extremely attractive, brilliant, auspicious, emits very high radiance and has an extra ordinarily high energy levels. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, small sized, cold to touch, has flawless impressions which makes the Shila a very unique Maha Laxmi Shila.

Benefits of worshipping Exotic Mahalaxmi Shaligram:
- For worldly comforts and leads a successful life
- For self confidence & become ultimate winner
- For immense wealth, worldly comforts, prosperity and Good Luck
- For protection against enmity, occult and evil forces
- For peace, prosperity, abundance and happiness
- To attain Moksha and salvation

The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.
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