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Rarest Of Rare Shaligram

Sacred Adwaitya Shweta Radha Shesha Golden Surya Krishna-RRSPS1091
5 Ratings Write a Review
Colour: Jet Black & Golden
Dimension : 3.2cm x 3.2cm x 1.3cm
Quantity :

Rs 406725/- $ 4842 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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The word Krishna means in Sanskrit the dark. Krishna also means the enchanter of all His devotees (Aakarshana). Commentators have interpreted this significance in a more attractive context. They conclude that Krishna means one who sweeps away the sins in the heart of those who meditate upon Him. Krishna as a deity of the farmyard in the agricultural estates, the Lord ploughs the hard stupidities in us and prepares the heart-field, weeding out all the poisonous growths of sin, and cultivates therein-pure bliss which is of the nature of reality. Krishna is the other name of eternity, austerity and completeness and is considered as the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The worshipper of this Shaligrama will earn a great respect and dignity in the society. He will be successful in all his endeavors by his wit and intelligence. The beholder will earn a great name and fame in his circle and will be loved by all. The worshipper develops an aura which will attract all the persons around him. He becomes charismatic and gets success in all his endeavors. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, small medium sized cold to touch, has flawless impressions.

Benefits of worshipping Krishna Shaligram:

- To earn a great name and fame
- To develops a good aura and charisma
- For success in life
- For family harmony and good relations with family members and relatives

The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.
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