Jagadaadijah -One who had born (Jah) in the very beginning (aadi) of the world (jagat) is called Jagadaadijah. At the time of dissolution (Pralaya) when the entire gross and subtle bodies go to lie absorbed in the Total Causal-body, the world, in Pralaya, lies merged in Eesvara. Before the gross world-of-plurality emerges out there should be a condition of subtle manifestation of it in the form of thoughts. Thoughts constitute the mind-intellect; when the Infinite functions through this Total Mind-intellect, It is called as Hiranyagarba the womb of all objects, it is from the Hiranya garba-state, the manifestation of the gross world emerges out, when the lord comes to play as a Virat Aatmaa. Maha Vishnu is the one who was born before the world of gross bodies, therefore it is indicated here that he is the Womb-of all- objects. This Shila is round which signifies charisma, attraction, love and affection is bestowed to the devotee. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, small sized, cold to touch, has flawless impressions.
Benefits of worshipping Jagdish Shaligram:
- For getting right life partner
- For family harmony and early marriage
-For increasing charisma, attraction, love and affection
The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.
Benefits of worshipping Jagdish Shaligram:
- For getting right life partner
- For family harmony and early marriage
-For increasing charisma, attraction, love and affection
The Shila shown in picture will be sent.
The Shaligram will be sent after performing Mahapuja and energization.