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Rs 501 To Rs 1500
Sarvottam Narsimha Krishna Shweta Haldhari Balram-AULES2081-1

Sarvottam Narsimha Krishna Shweta Haldhari Balram-AULES2081-2 Sarvottam Narsimha Krishna Shweta Haldhari Balram-AULES2081-2
Sarvottam Narsimha Krishna Shweta Haldhari Balram-AULES2081
5 Ratings Write a Review
Colour: Jet Black
Dimension : 7.2cm x 5.5cm x 3.1cm
Quantity :

Rs 1500/- $ 18 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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Buy Shaligram Shila at Low Price | Less Donation Shaligram Shila | Shaligram Shila at Best & Affordable Price

Less donation Shaligram category is especially designed with the motto that very house on this Earth should have a Shaligram Shila in the Altar. The devotees can understand Vaishnavism and promote the divine truth written in the Geeta among the masses. In this section the original Shaligrams from river Gandaki are given to the devotees at a very very reasonable donation amount. The power of less donation Shaligrams in no way is less than any other categories. Small Shaligram is a natural stone that is Lord Vishnu itself. Shaligram is a Blackstone brought from Gandaki river-beds in the Muktinath area of Nepal. Shalagram Shila is also known as Salagram/ Shalagram/ Saligram Sila. Small Shaligram worshipped in the temple as well as in the houses. Shaligram is a fossilized shell used in South Asia as an iconic symbol and form of Lord Vishnu. They are typically in the form of spherical, black-colored and smooth in nature. We offer a pure array of Shri Shalagram. Its origination place is also likewise of Sankha, Moti or Gomati Chakra which are Aquatic States. Shalagram is a Blackstone brought from Gandaki river, there is a big place called Shalagram and these Shalagram are hundreds of years old. The Shaligram products are delivered to the customers after proper energization & pran pratishtha. Therefore all the devotees are requested to forward their date, time & place of birth while ordering shaligram products, so that the proper energization & pran pratishtha could be done on their names before the dispatch of the product.

Why People Worship Shaligram

In Hinduism, there are many ancient holy books such as 4 Vedas, 18 Puran and 108 Upanishad and much more. And the importance & significance of Shaligram is quoted in different Puranas and people do respect those ancient texts and try to follow it practically. It is believed that saligram holds high worth than any other expensive material i.e gold, silver etc. Water having just stroked the genuine Shaligram will transform into Amrit and it has the ability to cure any kind of illness & negative aspect from an individuals physique. Some of the Puranic tells about Shaligram are mentioned below.

According to Skanda Puran

- People who consume holy nectar of Genuine Saligram will get rid of all Sins.
- One who drinks a scared Salagram soaked water, he/she will get moksha.
- Anyone who sees, pays respect, bath & worship Shaligram stone will be blessed by the Lord Vishnu and get the blessings of giving 10 million cows in donations.

According to Padma Puran

Holy rivers like Ganga, Godavari & others have the quality to remove sin and reward people with moksha because they are the Charanamrita of Lord Shaligram naturally.

According to Baraha Puran

- The broken piece of original Sila in Shaligramkshetra have the same power as of unbroken Shaligram Shila.
- Puran also points out that a silky and glowing Shaligram stone should be worshipped by a person who wants to achieve siddhi quickly.

According to Skanda, Padma, and other Puranas, people who worship Shaligram Bhagawan feel no fear and will be blessed to attain every aspect of desire. Worshippers get a peaceful environment in his surroundings, will have good health & no any psychological panic remains on the mind, able to get a respectable wife or husband, immense wealth, decent descendants, attains strong shield against all evil forces & live prosperous life standard. Original Shaligram is useful for meditation process & activate kundalini to achieve spiritual liberation plus many more.

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