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Rajeev Krishna Rudraksha & Parad Therapy (RRPT)

  Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT140-3 Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT140-4 Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT140-5
Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads-RRPT140
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Product Options
Rs 10000/- $ 123 USD Option 1: Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads Bead: 2,6,8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha, 4 Parad Beads
Bead Size: Rudraksha-approx 10 to 12mm, Parad-approx 7mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small with Power Multiplier Parad (Samskrit Pure Mercury) Beads
Rs 10500/- $ 130 USD Option 2: Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Silver Basket With Silver Chain Bead: 2,6,8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 10 to 12mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Silver Basket With Silver Chain
Rs 9000/- $ 111 USD Option 3: Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Silver Basket With Metallic Stretchable Band Bead: 2,6,8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 10 to 12mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Silver Basket With Metallic Stretchable Band
Rs 7200/- $ 89 USD Option 4: Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Silver Basket With Elastic Bead: 2,6,8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 10 to 12mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Silver Basket With Elastic
Rs 4300/- $ 53 USD Option 5: Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Adjustable Thread Bead: 2,6,8,10,12 Mukhi Rudraksha
Bead Size: approx 10 to 12mm
Design: Made in pure sterling silver with platinum rhodium plating for long lasting silver finish.
Stable Grounded Power (Java) Small Adjustable Thread
Product Description
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Unveiling the Power of Rudraksha and Parad Beads: The Stable Grounded Power Bracelet

The stable grounded power bracelet, adorned with Rudraksha and Parad beads, is not just a piece of jewelry but a sacred tool for personal transformation and empowerment. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, may this bracelet serve as a constant reminder of our innate strength, resilience and connection to the divine. Embrace its energy, and embark on a journey of stability, balance and inner peace. When rudraksha beads are combined with Parad, it amplifies the spiritual, healing or meditative properties of the rudraksha beads, potentially increasing their effects manifold (10 to 12 times).

Understanding the Rudraksha Beads

Rudraksha beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha tree, found mainly in the Himalayan region and other parts of Southeast Asia. These beads are renowned for their divine properties and are believed to possess electromagnetic properties that interact with the human body, bringing about a balance in mind, body and soul. The number of faces or "mukhis" on a Rudraksha bead determines its potency and the benefits it confers. For stability and grounding, the stable grounded power bracelet crafted with 2 Mukhi, 6 Mukhi, 8 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi and 12 Mukhis are often preferred.

2 Mukhi Rudraksha: This bead represents Ardhanarishvara, the combined form of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, symbolizing unity and harmony. It fosters emotional stability and enhances relationships.
6 Mukhi Rudraksha: Associated with Lord Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva, this bead promotes willpower, focus and determination. It helps in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
8 Mukhi Rudraksha: Linked with Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, this bead bestows strength, courage and success. It helps in overcoming hurdles and brings prosperity.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha: Representing Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, this bead provides protection, stability and spiritual growth. It helps in maintaining balance amidst challenges.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha: Associated with Lord Sun, this bead enhances vitality, charisma and leadership qualities. It instills confidence and clarity of thought.

All About Parad Beads

Parad, or mercury, is considered one of the purest metals in Ayurveda and Vedic scriptures. Parad beads are crafted from purified mercury and are believed to possess immense spiritual and healing properties. They are known for their ability to balance the energy centers (chakras) in the body, promoting overall well-being and harmony.

The Synergy of Rudraksha and Parad

When Rudraksha and Parad beads are combined in a bracelet, their energies synergize to create a powerful tool for stability and grounding. The electromagnetic properties of Rudraksha beads complement the purifying and balancing qualities of Parad beads, resulting in a potent tool for spiritual evolution and inner transformation.

Healing Power of Stable Grounded Power Bracelet

Emotional Stability: The combined energies of Rudraksha and Parad beads help in calming the mind, reducing stress and promoting emotional equilibrium.
Physical Well-being: Wearing the bracelet is believed to enhance vitality, boost immunity and support overall physical health.
Spiritual Growth: The bracelet aids in meditation, deepening ones spiritual practice and fostering a deeper connection with oneself and the divine.
Protection: It acts as a shield against negative energies, promoting a sense of security and protection.
Success and Prosperity: By aligning the wearer with their true purpose and potential, the bracelet facilitates success, abundance and prosperity in all endeavors.

Essence of Stable Grounded Power Bracelet

In a world filled with chaos and stress, the quest for stability and inner peace becomes paramount. Ancient wisdom often offers solutions that transcend time and one such powerful tool is the combination of Rudraksha and Parad beads in a bracelet. This combination of natural elements has been revered for centuries for its ability to instill a sense of groundedness and stability in the wearers life.

Benefits of Stable Grounded Power Bracelets

Spiritual Connectivity: Rudraksha beads are known for their divine vibrations, fostering a deep connection with the spiritual realm. Wearing rudraksha beads on a bracelet ensures a constant flow of positive energy, enhancing spiritual awareness and mindfulness.

Stress Alleviation: The electromagnetic properties of rudraksha beads help in balancing the bodys energy levels, thereby alleviating stress, anxiety and tension. This promotes mental clarity and emotional stability.

Health and Well-being Rudraksha beads are believed to possess medicinal properties that benefit overall health. They regulate blood pressure, improve immunity and aid in the healing of various ailments.

Purification and Vitality: Parad beads, also known as mercury beads, are revered for their purifying properties. They cleanse the aura and promote physical vitality, ensuring a harmonious balance between mind, body and soul.

Amplification of Positive Energy: Parad beads amplify the positive energy emanating from the wearer, creating a protective shield against negative influences. This enhances resilience and fosters a sense of empowerment.

Spiritual Awakening: Parad beads are considered conduits of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. They facilitate inner transformation, guiding the wearer towards higher consciousness and spiritual fulfillment.

Synergistic Energies: The combination of rudraksha and parad beads in a stable grounded power bracelet creates a synergistic blend of energies, amplifying their individual benefits manifold. This enhances the wearers spiritual journey and accelerates personal growth.

Grounding and Stability: The stabilizing influence of the bracelet ensures grounding and stability amidst lifes turbulent currents. It anchors the wearer to the present moment, fostering a sense of inner peace and resilience.

Protection and Guidance: The protective aura generated by the bracelet shields the wearer from negative energies and external disturbances. Moreover, it serves as a guiding beacon, illuminating the path towards spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery.

Importance of Stable Grounded Power Bracelet

The stable grounded power bracelet adorned with rudraksha and parad beads encapsulates the essence of ancient wisdom, offering a sanctuary of serenity and empowerment in todays tumultuous world. Embrace its mystique, and embark on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being and spiritual transcendence.

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