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Tiger Eye-ROMAL018
5 Ratings Write a Review
Colour: Golden Brown
Dimension : 13inch
Bead Size: 6mm
No. of Beads: 108
Quantity :

Rs 800/- $ 10 USD Product shown in the picture will be Sent.
Product Description
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Chakra : Swadhisthana (Sacral) and Manipura (Solar Plexus)

Planet : Sun

Sources : South Africa, India, Brazil, Burma, Korea, Western Australia and the USA.

Tigers Eye Stone is a precious stone with stunning groups of yellow-golden shading through it. The importance of this stones name identifies with its likeness to the eye of a tiger or cats eye. Tigers eye (likewise called tiger eye) is a Chatoyant gemstone that is generally a transformative shake with a brilliant to red-darker shading and a sleek radiance.

Benefits of Tiger Eye Mala / Tiger Eye Rosary / Tiger Eye Necklace:

- It improves inventiveness and is one of the stones that guide Kundalini awakening.
- Tiger Eye mala helps in confidence, brightness and optimism.
- Yellow tiger rosary to release fear and help you to manifest goals.
- Tiger Eye mala enable you to keep quiet and grounded through the progressions.
- Tiger Eye rosary helps to improve health and prosperity in life.
- Tiger Eye mala additionally carries financial increases to the wearer and improves the financial standing.

Health Benefits :

- Tiger Eye mala reduces the chronic pains, improves the strength of spines, and detoxifies the body.
- Yellow Tiger rosary help to calm the relieves stomach and digestion related ailments.

Where to buy Tiger Eye Mala / Tiger Eye Rosary / Tiger Eye Necklace:

Shaligram Shala ( have a large collection of Tiger Eye Mala/ Yellow Tiger Necklace and you can easily buy at best and affordable price. We can also include Shaligram or Salagram locket and Rudraksha as a meru on this mala. This addition would further increase the power of this particular mala manifold times. To buy Tiger Eye Mala/ Tiger Eye Rosary online first visit and order online.

Shaligram : Surya Naranaya Shaligram, Narsimha Shaligram

Rudraksha : 3 Mukhi, 10 Mukhi and 12 Mukhi

Yantra : Surya Yantra, Narsimha Yantra

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