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Puja Items

Puja Items | Puja Materials Online | Pooja Items for Sale | Hindu Puja Items | Hindi Religious Products | Pooja Ka Saman | Shaligram Shala

Shaligram Shala ( is one of the best online shops which offers Puja Items / Puja Samagri / Puja Utensils i.e. Puja thali, Kalash, Brass Throne, Hawan Kund, Ganga Jal / Holy Water, Ghee, Incense, NetiPatra, Essential Oils, Jaap Mala and much more.
Puja or Pooja (पूजा) is a prayer ritual performed by people to worship one or more gods. It may celebrate in the presence of special guests, or their memories after they die. The word Puja is Sanskrit and means reverence, honor, homage, adoration, and worship. Puja, the loving offering of flowers, lights, and water or food to the divine is the essential ritual of Hinduism. For the worshipper, the divine is visible in the image, and the god sees the worshipper. The interaction between human and God, between human and guru, is called darshan.

Puja is done on a variety of frequency, occasions, and settings. It may include occasional temple ceremonies, daily puja done in the home, and annual festivals. In other cases, puja is held to mark a few lifetime events such as the birth of a baby or to begin a new venture or a wedding.

Some pujas are done by the worshipper alone, whereas others may require the assistance of a ritually qualified person such as a priest. Puja may be performed for a specific purpose or simply as an act of devotion.

Puja thali maintains an important role. Puja thali may be made of steel, gold, silver, brass or any other metal; with little engravings and designs.

Hawan Kund havan, a divine ritual is performed with proper ingredients that will keep all negativity away from your surroundings, it also helps to emit environment-friendly gases and radiation to enhance the natural cycle.

NetiPatra is a pot used for an old yogic body purification process called Neti. The simplest use of this process is to clean the nasal passage.

Brass Singhasan or Seat Used in Temple for Puja for Placing God Idols, God Chair, God Sofa, God Brass Throne.

A Kalasha, also known as Kalash or Kalasa is a metal pot with a large base and smallmouth, to hold a coconut. Sometimes "Kalasha" also refers to such a pot filled with water and topped with mango leaves and a coconut.

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